Are you aware that addiction also changes the lives of family members, partners and friends?
Would you like to get out of this cycle and take action? Then here are a few points that will help.
Basically, it is important that you inform yourself thoroughly about the development and maintenance of the addictive behavior. The more you know about the disease, the easier it is for you to recognize the symptoms and assess them correctly. It is important that you use reputable sources when researching information.
Social support
Many relatives hesitate to deal openly with the addiction problem and to seek professional help. In particular, the fear of the reactions of the personal environment keeps many relatives from it. “It’s only the family’s business” or “this wouldn’t happen to good parents” are fears frequently mentioned by the relatives concerned.
However, it is precisely here that it is advisable to go to detox centers phonenix az. There you can acquit yourself, get professional advice and a reflection on your actions. With detox centers, they will help in determining the causes. You will be in a safe place to explore and develop personal accountability.
Find a conversation: Set boundaries
Try to talk to the person concerned. Make it clear that you value/love the person affected and therefore cannot accept that the person affected destroys themselves through the use of addictive substances. Say clearly and without hesitation what you will not do.
Secure help and support for those affected on the path of change. Consistency is extremely important.
Activate power sources
The burden on family members is enormous. This has the effect that relatives of addicts often suffer from depression, anxiety disorders as well as sleeping and eating disorders. It is not uncommon for the relatives to resort to medication or drugs themselves in order to gain relief. The risk of addiction is up to six times higher for children from families with addiction problems compared to children from families without addiction problems.
In addition, relatives of addicts, especially partners or mothers, are often confronted with the accusation that they themselves share responsibility for the addictive behavior of their partner or child.
It is therefore of existential importance that, in addition to all professional advice, they activate sources of strength for themselves. These can be of a very different nature. This includes professional compensation, sports, manual or artistic activities, and friends.