Gangnam Perfect HyperBlitz : The Best in Korean Karaoke Entertainment

aouth korea travelThere are lots of experiences to look forward to when on a business trip in Korea, including the Gangnam Perfect Judae (강남 퍼펙트 주대) nightlife offered by the city of Seoul. Gangnam Perfect furnishes big and small private rooms in which to hold Karaoke singing sessions enjoyed by Koreans whether young or old.

Actually, when visiting any bustling neighborhood in South Korea, visitors find thriving Karaoke businesses popularly known as noraebangs. Those are rooms that customers rent to use exclusively for singing using a karaoke machine.

However, if you’re in Korea for a business meeting or convention, your host will likely treat you in one of the Karaoke bars in Gangnam where the rooms are fully equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual systems. As such, large screens, multiple wireless microphones and a substantial library of songs. The choices usually include recordings in different languages as a complementary service to international visitors looking to experience Korea’s distinguished brand of Karaoke entertainment.

irl and karaoke singjngActually, most Gangnam Karaoke bar operators try to have an edge over each other by enhancing their rooms or services with special features. While some bars and nightclubs offer themed Karaoke rooms, Gangnam Perfect Hyperblitz bar located in the basement of the 5-star Eliena Hotel offers major discounts for customers arriving before 9 PM. The establishment also provides free valet parking services. Moreover, residents of Gangnam district with booked reservations can also request for pick-up services.

Gangnam Perfect Karaoke Hyperblitz is actually a one-stop establishment for providing lavish entertainment, as it has an extensive menu of food and drinks that customers can offer to their VIP guests.

Features of a State-of-the Art Korean Karaoke System

Although karaoke machines originated in Japan, several home-grown Korean manufacturers have made their mark as producers of the best Karaoke systems. The computerized system is operated by way of a large controller with various buttons that allow users to program or adjust the following:

  • Search for Voice, Song Title, Artist and Country
  • Pitch
  • Tempo
  • Volume
  • Echo,
  • Reverberation
  • Rhythm,
  • Voice removal,
  • Change music sheet,
  • Change background video

The Karaoke system also comes with a thick songbook to help users find song titles with assigned serial numbers. Non-Koreans could find using the remote controller confusing when looking to add a song to the cue as the button-displays contain hangul vowels and consonants.

Actually, when cueing up a song, users need only to type-in the 5-digit songbook serial number corresponding to a song title. Type enter or save to add the song to the cue; or press Start if there are no other titles lined up.

The Importance of, and Strategies for Developing Family Ties

Having a family that loves and supports you no matter what may make or break your day. Every life stage highlights the significance of family ties. The comforting words of a mother, husband, or siblings may be a source of strength and bravery when life seems to be spiraling out of control.

Importance of Family Ties

We rely on our families to help foster our development as people and ensure our emotional and physical safety.

  1. When you’re part of a family, you instantly feel at home and loved.
  2. Being surrounded by loved ones amid adversity is reassuring and stress-reducing.
  3. Having a family makes us feel loved and accepted no matter what we’ve done wrong.
  4. A child’s first social learning environment is their family.

A Healthy Family and What Makes One

  • Maintain open lines of dialogue.
  • Be one in spirit and comfort one another.
  • Take some time to hang out.
  • Give your loved ones your undivided attention.
  • Follow your lead.
  • Back up its associates.
  • Approach adversity as a learning experience.
  • Take care of everyone’s health.
  • Exhibit toughness.

Create Solid Bonds with Your Family

Have a good time together. Make sure you all sit down together every day (at mealtimes, maybe) and share stories and jokes.

Defining Traits of a Stable Family

Having a family that loves and supports you during good times and bad makes everything easier. An individual’s connection to their family is crucial throughout their development. When life seems to be spiraling out of your control, comforting words from your mom, spouse, or siblings might help you regain your composure and charge ahead.

Exhibit Toughness

All families suffer hardships and heartache together at some point in their lives. The link remains strong regardless of the severity of the stress. Family is the incubator of virtues like loyalty. It’s important to keep in mind that a stable household does not magically appear with a healthy family dynamic. Building a strong family takes time and effort from both partners.

Teach Kids to Forgive and Apologize

Members in happy households learn from one another how to confess and accept forgiveness when they’ve hurt someone else. Responsibility for one’s conduct is a valuable lesson to impart to children. Fun, unique family traditions can help everyone feel like they belong in a group.

Indulge in some high-quality bonding

Allot special one-on-one time for each member of the family to strengthen the bonds you share. The best way to ensure your family sticks together is to create regular routines that everyone looks forward to. 

How Japanese Manga and Anime Helped Promote Positive Changes in Indonesia

During the 80s and up to the 90s, life in Indonesia was in some kind of turmoil as the long-running government of President Suharto imposed the New Order. The purpose of which was to rebuild the country’s economy and to stabilize security by imposing bans on political organizations and censorship of media and literature. However, Suharto’s administration failed as he was forced to resign amidst the increasing tension and radical changes taking place in Indonesia’s political landscape.
Fortunately for young Indonesians at that time, they were able to turn to Japanese manga and anime as entertainment. As it was, the government was quick to shut down TV shows and seize literary works deemed as instigating the use of violence against the new government and its military.

Japanese Manga and Anime Have Become Part of Indonesian Culture

Up to today, survey researches continue to show that a large number, nearly half of Indonesia’s emerging teenagers, continue to love Japan’s comic book and cartoon culture. Apparently, the 80s New Order did not find anything wrong with the stories and characters of the popular manga and anime like Doraemon, Astro Boy, Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, One Piece and the most popular of all, Pokemon, as they remained all-time favorites through the years.
Most of the Japanese anime shows that became popular internatiionally promoted diplomacy as a way of solving problems and conflicts, That being the case, Doraemon was designated as anime ambassador in 2008 by then Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura.

The Positive Impact of Doraemon and Other Popular 80s-90s Animes

During the 80s and 90s era, the growing phenomena of Japanese pop culture began spreading rapidly not only in Indonesia and other Asian countries but also in the West. Prior to K Pop, there was J Pop culture, which was predominantly the fascination for manga, anime, and cosplay. Images of popular Japanese anime characters like Hello Kitty, Doraemon, Astro Boy, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon, just to mention few, found their way in many major Asian markets. They can be seen in the form of action toys, mugs, textiles, garments, shoes, school and office accessories and movies and the likes
Designated anime ambassador Doraemon the mascot, promoted and traveled in different countries to let the whole world know of Japan’s positive and creative sides. Doraemon was most particular about promoting environmental awarenes and about using diplomacy. As a matter of fact, Doraemon’s plan for spreading Japan’s pop culture was tagged as the “Cool
Japan” program in the government’s Diplomatic Bluebook of 2004.
Needless to say, the impact of the Japanese manga and anime on young Indonesians was generally positive. It also paved the way for a successful Japan-Indo trading relationship. It also made Japan a major provider of financial aid for Indonesia’s development programs. While Indonesia is a major supplier of liquefied gas to Japan, the latter is the largest exporter of products in Indonesia. A large portion of which are the nonton anime id channels and platforms that stream or offer for download anime series to Indonesians.

Why Germany’s Fashion Industry is a Paradox

According to the Euromonitor, Germany is the largest purchaser consumer of clothes and footwear, while having thousands of fashion businesses and fashion schools. Berlin is a perennial host to five important trade fairs, including the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Yet it’s a paradox that Germany does not have a significant influence in international fashion in the same level as New York,NY; Paris, France; London, England and Milan, Italy.

The cities of Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg and Munich are finding it hard to achieve the same stature.

In a report published by Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Berlin houses 3,670 fashion companies, Munich has 2,670; Hamburg, 2,220; and Cologne with 1,910. Just to cite some examples the luxury brands Adidas, Puma, Hugo Boss, Karl Lagerfeld, Jil Sander and Escada are all Germany home-grown labels.

Fashion director of Harper’s Bazaar Kai Margrander explained how the country lacks influence because of low level attractiveness for local talents.

Karl Lagerfeld prefers to recognize himself as European with his brand becoming closely associated with Chanel. Escada on the other hand, hold shows at different locations from all over the world, and Hugo Boss at the New York Fashion Week.

Nowadays, fashion photographers and creative directors are leaving the country in order to achieve international success. Most likely going to countries with a more refreshing environment such as New York, London, or Paris, following Karl Lagerfeld, Jürgen Teller, and Tomas Maier as their examples.

Local German Brands Thrive Despite Lack of International Popularity

Fashion experts believe that German brands do not include and rarely promote their culture in their fashion. It is possible that their taste for simplicity and minimalism is also a part of why they have little influence in fashion worldwide. The country’s largest clothing brands usually conform their styles to the taste of their mature population by delivering basics.
Their fashion industry might not be as successful as others in a global span, Germany still houses a lot of the biggest fashion businesses that are unknown internationally.

In terms of performance and market, Gerry WEber is leading and is ranked in the top 100 largest fashion firms based on sales globally. Moreover, Bavarian brands based in Braunschweig, Oliver and NewYorker, has post annual sales that surpasses a billion euros. A billion euros that is produced by means of healthy domestic sales, as they don’t even have a bearing in the UK or in New York.

Bavaria, Home to the Castle of Paradox

Bavaria is itself home to the “castle of paradox”, the Neuschwanstein im Allgäu because its towers, spikes, columns and bridges are only aesthetic additions and not as part of tactical defenses. Built by King Ludwig II who was more inclined to support the arts and music rather than be in the midst of political conflicts during Austro-Prussian War.
In fact, part of the Neuschwanstein Castle’s building plan included a large theater for opera composer Robert Wagner, as King Ludwig II’s tribute to the famous German musician.
Young and handsome, he wore his fashionable mantles but only for his portraits since he avoided attending galas and other formal functions. Sadly, the Bavarian King was declared as insane and was arrested for driving the kingdom of Bavaria to near bankruptcy. On the same day he was arrested, King Ludwig II mysteriously committed suicide by drowning himself in a nearby lake.

Why Fashion Brands Rely On Video Games

Video game characters appear on T-shirts like Minecraft and band logos. But fashion brands are also popping up inside video games and that is no longer just marketing. Because virtual outfits, called “skins”, you can buy these for real money. Is the fashion industry just finding a new distribution channel, the most sustainable one?

Minecraft Gaming & Fashion

minecraft servers

It is mainly large corporations such as sports and luxury brands that are trying out and securing the terrain. The target group is gambling more and more. Strictly speaking, almost forty percent of the world’s population are gambling and the proportion of women is growing. Placing a handbag or a shoe in a Netflix series will no longer be sufficient in the future if you don’t see them at all because you are playing ‘minecraft servers’ or ‘Project Makeover’ on the mobile phone at the same time.

Perhaps in the future, you will also buy more virtual clothes than real ones. That might sound absurd, but not for the attractive target group of teens and twenties. And if you consider that such an avatar, i.e. the gamer’s representative in the virtual world, is seen a thousand times more than the gamer himself. Then buying an off-white hoodie is more worthwhile made of pixels than cotton.

Minecraft video game fashion: Does it fit?

Fashion brands in video games are still a bit not very believable. So far, gamers have preferred to buy typical “skins” and are less interested in designer clothing. Because these are far removed from the fashion world. In addition, real brands have no place in these fantasy games. After all, you want to withdraw from the real world there.

They know exactly what qualities such a new outfit needs for the superhero. The young generation perceives a designer costume as silly.

You can brand those real things by video game rather than a fashion brand. They can remind you of role-playing games in the forest. Even a gamer thinks fashion brands don’t fit in there.

The growing influence of Minecraft video games in fashion

Video games are catching up with the movie. Gamblers and gamers spent large amounts of money on virtual objects. And the fashion market is growing.

Kids Home Learning Activities

In this time of the pandemic, school is not the place for learning. It is very clear that due to the standard protocol to stay at home, our home is the number one place where children can learn things. However, learning at home is actually different and you do not need to make the children feel that they will have a classroom lesson.

It is really important to educate or teach your kids at home through fun learning activities. Let them get excited as they get to discover something new. Do this by making the learning activities a fun time. Below are some of the encouraging and fun activities that you can use in teaching your kids at home.

1-Learn the basic phonics

Reading is essential and teaching your kids with this activity does not only establish a bonding time with them but also helps them learn. Teaching kids basic phonics gets kids to be ready for spelling and reading.

2-Practice writing

Allow the kids to let tracing by connecting the dots. Consider using clay toys to shape letters.

Preschoolers can learn writing at home by teaching them the alphabet and the motions of each letter.

3-Improve counting skills

Teaching counting to kids at home involves the physical counting of objects as they count them. You can actually incorporate this while they’re playing.