Astrology: Days Of The Week For Family

Each day of the week is assigned planets and therefore energies, which determine which day is best suited for which activity.

Astrologers know that every day of the week is assigned a specific planet that shapes it. The astrology podcast online can provide you more information.

Great feelings count on Mondays

Monday is the “lunar day”. It is ruled by the moon and it represents great feelings. They can be intense and positive, but there is also a risk of mood swings and mood swings. Want to end an old argument with your family? Then today is the day of atonement. The moon also favors cozy cuddles and relaxation exercises.

Thanks to Mars, Tuesdays are ideal for tackling

Only in the French language does Tuesday reveal its origin. There it is called Mardi, because its planet is Mars. It stands for courage, strength and assertiveness. Housekeeping and gardening are easy to do, and starting a diet promises the most success today.

Wednesday is the weekday of the spirit of optimism

The influence of Mercury, the planet of commerce and travel, makes Wednesday the perfect day to travel. So if you are free in your holiday planning, you should set your departure on a Wednesday.

On Thursdays you let the muse kiss you

Jupiter is considered a lucky planet and has an inspiring effect. Today it is particularly fun to go to the cinema, attend a concert or meet up with friends. Those who are artistically active themselves will find the muse they need on Thursday.

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That’s why Friday is a celebration of love

Venus planet simply stands for love, harmony and beauty. Hearts beat faster today. For singles, Friday is perfect for a first date. The chances of great love are good. For couples, on the other hand, it’s the right time for a cuddle evening to get closer again.

Saturn gives lots of energy on Saturdays

The “strict” Saturn is the father of Saturday. His strengths are endurance, discipline, and thrift. Therefore, the planet favors property inspection, house cleaning and tidying up. Even in sports, the weaker self can be overcome more easily on this day. If you like jogging or hiking, you can’t go wrong on a Saturday. Take a lot of time for yourself today. This will recharge the batteries for the next week.

Why joy comes first on Sundays

As the name suggests, the sun is at the helm at the end of the week. It conveys liveliness, vitality, clarity and optimism. On Sunday, do everything that gives you fun and joy. An afternoon of games with the family, excursions, a leisurely meal or long walks in the forest are all part of it.

Partnerships and the Community

It is extremely tempting to think that if we contribute to security and society, it would always be supporting us, therefore. All of the organizations and groups in which you participate, including households and personal contacts, must be fostered and revitalized.

The closer we are to the individuals we are concerned about, the better we are.

We may also have greater self-gratification than we have now in our life. Several individuals consider their most meaningful personal circumstances to be times of connectedness and sharing pleasure with their family members.

Taking Care of Crucial Connections

Ignoring and not responding productively to disagreement are indeed the two key hurdles in sustaining intimate relations.  Staying aggressive in your family contacts and responding to those is indeed the key to maintaining them cheerfully, supporting, and emotionally rewarding.

Ideas to Build a Better Partnership

Consider for a moment the most significant personal ties in your life right now. You can make a choice to take action to make matters better.

For instance, you can:

  • Make time to talk to a buddy you haven’t seen in a long period of time.
  • Appreciate a coworker who assisted you with a postcard or message.
  • Decide to speak to a close relative with whom you disagree.
  • Apologize to everyone you may have upset.
  • Set up a schedule of reading alongside the youngster at night.

Addiction & Detox: Help As A Family

Are you aware that addiction also changes the lives of family members, partners and friends?

Would you like to get out of this cycle and take action? Then here are a few points that will help.


Basically, it is important that you inform yourself thoroughly about the development and maintenance of the addictive behavior. The more you know about the disease, the easier it is for you to recognize the symptoms and assess them correctly. It is important that you use reputable sources when researching information.

Social support

Many relatives hesitate to deal openly with the addiction problem and to seek professional help. In particular, the fear of the reactions of the personal environment keeps many relatives from it. “It’s only the family’s business” or “this wouldn’t happen to good parents” are fears frequently mentioned by the relatives concerned.

However, it is precisely here that it is advisable to go to detox centers phonenix az. There you can acquit yourself, get professional advice and a reflection on your actions. With detox centers, they will help in determining the causes. You will be in a safe place to explore and develop personal accountability.

Find a conversation: Set boundaries

Try to talk to the person concerned. Make it clear that you value/love the person affected and therefore cannot accept that the person affected destroys themselves through the use of addictive substances. Say clearly and without hesitation what you will not do.

Secure help and support for those affected on the path of change. Consistency is extremely important.

axiom care

Activate power sources

The burden on family members is enormous. This has the effect that relatives of addicts often suffer from depression, anxiety disorders as well as sleeping and eating disorders. It is not uncommon for the relatives to resort to medication or drugs themselves in order to gain relief. The risk of addiction is up to six times higher for children from families with addiction problems compared to children from families without addiction problems.

In addition, relatives of addicts, especially partners or mothers, are often confronted with the accusation that they themselves share responsibility for the addictive behavior of their partner or child.

It is therefore of existential importance that, in addition to all professional advice, they activate sources of strength for themselves. These can be of a very different nature. This includes professional compensation, sports, manual or artistic activities, and friends.

How Japanese Manga and Anime Helped Promote Positive Changes in Indonesia

During the 80s and up to the 90s, life in Indonesia was in some kind of turmoil as the long-running government of President Suharto imposed the New Order. The purpose of which was to rebuild the country’s economy and to stabilize security by imposing bans on political organizations and censorship of media and literature. However, Suharto’s administration failed as he was forced to resign amidst the increasing tension and radical changes taking place in Indonesia’s political landscape.
Fortunately for young Indonesians at that time, they were able to turn to Japanese manga and anime as entertainment. As it was, the government was quick to shut down TV shows and seize literary works deemed as instigating the use of violence against the new government and its military.

Japanese Manga and Anime Have Become Part of Indonesian Culture

Up to today, survey researches continue to show that a large number, nearly half of Indonesia’s emerging teenagers, continue to love Japan’s comic book and cartoon culture. Apparently, the 80s New Order did not find anything wrong with the stories and characters of the popular manga and anime like Doraemon, Astro Boy, Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, One Piece and the most popular of all, Pokemon, as they remained all-time favorites through the years.
Most of the Japanese anime shows that became popular internatiionally promoted diplomacy as a way of solving problems and conflicts, That being the case, Doraemon was designated as anime ambassador in 2008 by then Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura.

The Positive Impact of Doraemon and Other Popular 80s-90s Animes

During the 80s and 90s era, the growing phenomena of Japanese pop culture began spreading rapidly not only in Indonesia and other Asian countries but also in the West. Prior to K Pop, there was J Pop culture, which was predominantly the fascination for manga, anime, and cosplay. Images of popular Japanese anime characters like Hello Kitty, Doraemon, Astro Boy, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon, just to mention few, found their way in many major Asian markets. They can be seen in the form of action toys, mugs, textiles, garments, shoes, school and office accessories and movies and the likes
Designated anime ambassador Doraemon the mascot, promoted and traveled in different countries to let the whole world know of Japan’s positive and creative sides. Doraemon was most particular about promoting environmental awarenes and about using diplomacy. As a matter of fact, Doraemon’s plan for spreading Japan’s pop culture was tagged as the “Cool
Japan” program in the government’s Diplomatic Bluebook of 2004.
Needless to say, the impact of the Japanese manga and anime on young Indonesians was generally positive. It also paved the way for a successful Japan-Indo trading relationship. It also made Japan a major provider of financial aid for Indonesia’s development programs. While Indonesia is a major supplier of liquefied gas to Japan, the latter is the largest exporter of products in Indonesia. A large portion of which are the nonton anime id channels and platforms that stream or offer for download anime series to Indonesians.