Children go through a lot of clothes. Here are some ideas for reducing waste.
Exchanged Clothes and Shoes
Kara Livingston and Nicole Boynton swapped clothes and shoes as teenagers. This effectively doubled their wardrobe, but they saw an even greater benefit in that sharing clothing reduced environmental waste.
Today 35 and moms, both of them realized that it was simply too simple for parents to purchase cheap clothes for their fast expanding children, and it all piled up and resulted in waste. That revelation became their mission, and they formed Hand Me Up, an online company that sells kids clothing in capsules, which are stacks of gently worn apparels that can be quickly coupled into attire. The site takes donations of secondhand clothing, and its article provides tips for households on how to live more sustainable way, such as how to host an apparel swap.
Textile Recycling
The impact of clothing waste is enormous. The typical American discards 70 lbs of garments and other textiles every year, based on the Council for Textile Recycling. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency, only 2.5 million tons of the 17 million tons of textiles generated in 2018 were recycled.
Many environmental activists live by the mantras repair, revive, repurpose, and declutter. According to experts, this is an excellent way to reduce clothing waste, particularly in the case of children. Parents can gift, swap, sell, or repair clothing that has been outgrown or worn out.