For most men ages 40 to 50 can be the most fulfilling stages in his life. They are established in their own chosen careers, nearing their peak, earning and they are mostly immersed in family responsibilities, family relationships and civic obligations. This is the time when they should take their place as a man. This is when the important decisions and plans implemented during these years will chart the course for all of those to follow.

At these time men may also ask and think about this questions. These are vital questions and reflections that are vital and need thoughtful answer. This is the point in their life wherein they need to make crucial decisions.

Will his marriage survive?

Will his kids turn out alright?

Will he have enough money when he retires?

Is he working too much?

What is he doing in his life that really matters or makes a difference?

When men reach the age of 40, their attitudes and characteristics usually change. The things they do can affect their lives when they are older. When they reach the age of 65 they usually reflect on the things they should have done when they were younger. Most people at this age had three common regrets, they wish they had the following:

Reflected more: Reflection as we know usually comes during a crisis, but most men wished they had taken more time to regularly look at the big picture.

Taken More Risks: Not by doing daredevil acts, but by bolder in their careers and relationships.

Defined their purpose: Men wished they’d focused more on their own bottom line rather than focusing on their work and leisure.







Experts suggests that these exercises can help people examine their own life. One is a daily time-out. Take at least 5 minutes by yourself to think about what you did that day. The process helps show whether the small tasks you accomplished somehow contribute to your larger goals. Some experts also recommend an annual away-from-home retreat for yourself. At least a day or even days. This allows you to assess the past year and draw up personal goals for the following year.

During this time at the age of 40, it’s also the time to revitalize your marriage. As the question: What’s the best way to love my wife? The biggest strain on a relationship isn’t kids or lack of sex or even lack of communication. It’s everything balled up in one problem-lack of time. The ages 45-55 reflects the highest percentage of divorces. To avoid being added to this percentage, the best thing you can do in your 40’s, if not sooner, is create daily or weekly rituals which will be independent of kids and other distractions. This ritual should ensure that you and your spouse spend some time together and focus on each other. During your 40’s it’s also great to prioritize your health and wellness. Click to read more.